Library Office

Located in the ground floor at the left side Lobby, the Library Office takes care of the following tasks.

  • Provide Administrative support to the Librarian
  • Duty Chart Preparation
  • Library Office Activities
  • Personnel Administration
  • Store Affaires
  • Audit Coordination

Stack Room-I and II

  • Shelving of Publications
  • Tracing of untraced publications
  • Informing users about untraced publications
  • Repairing of Books
  • Assisting the users in tracing of publications
  • Conducting orientation for usage of books
  • Rectification of publications


  • Receiving suggestions for the procurement of publications from Departments / Centers
  • Checking the indents and placing orders with registered vendors
  • Accessing the publications- Books, Audio / Video cassettes, CDs.
  • Passing the bill for payment
  • Attending queries for the purchase of publications
  • Registration of Vendors
  • Maintenance of files and records for procurement
  • Maintenance of expenditure details about books
  • Processing of projects books
  • Generation of statistics for the submission to the Librarian

Technical Processing

  • Assigning call number for books with the help of Dewey Decimal Classification (DDC) Scheme.
  • Pasting the Spine and Date labels in the book and noting the Call no. on the spine label and Accession no on the date label along with the Call no.
  • Arranging the library book along with other processed books to be displayed on each month.
  • Preparing the list of the processed books during a month with bibliographical details, Accession no and location using Microsoft Word.
  • Sending the processed books for display on each month after entering the required details of the book in the OPAC.


  • Binding of new books & repairing of old books.
  • Binding of back-volumes.
  • Pasting of spine labels and date labels.

Library Tour

  • Entrance : The users and staff use this area to go to different locations
  • Front Area : A statue of Goddess Saraswathi, the Goddess of wisdom and learning adores the entrance of the Central Library
  • Lounge Area Water Point, Security Desk, Property Counter, and Library Notice Board
  • Left Side Area : Internet Browsing – Online Journal Access, Library Office
  • Right Side Area : Librarian’s Room, Circulation Counter, Reading Hall, Stack Room I (Ground Floor), Stairs to the First Floor where Stack Room II, Technical Section, Theses and Back-Volumes Section, Journal Section, Bindery, and Class Rooms for the Department of Library & Information Science are located.
  • Circulation Counter : Located in the ground floor. Registration for membership, issue of books, return of books and issue of dues particulars are being carried out in this section.
  • Newspaper Reading Area : Opposite to the Circulation Counter is located the Newspaper section. A notice board and a display board are provided to display alerts / notices to the users.
  • Reading Hall – Air-conditioned : This hall is located in the ground floor adjoining to the Stack Room I. This reading hall is well furnished with modern furniture and air-conditioned. Reference books such as Encyclopedias, Handbooks, Dictionaries, Atlases, etc., are housed in this reading hall. . This section is a best area of the Central Library where readers spend much of their time in the library. Current journals and magazines are also displayed in this section
  • Right Side Area : Librarian’s Room, Circulation Counter, Reading Hall, Stack Room I (Ground Floor), Stairs to the First Floor where Stack Room II, Technical Section, Theses and Back-Volumes Section, Journal Section, Bindery, and Class Rooms for the Department of Library & Information Science are located.
  • Stack Rooms : Adjoining to the Reading Hall, Stack Room-I is located in the ground floor itself. This section stacks all the printed books in arts, science, and humanities. Books are arranged according to Dewey Decimal Classification, and the major subject heading are displayed on the racks. From this room, a stair leads to Stack Room-II in the first floor. This area houses all the Tamil language and literature books, and books donated by philanthropists such as Ra.Ya. So. Collection, and V. Sp. Manickam Collection
  • Internet Browsing – Online Journal Access Area : This section is well furnished and air-conditioned. Computer terminals provide access to the internet facility provided by National Knowledge Network (NKN) infrastructure with 1 Gbps connectivity, and also, 8 Mbps connectivity of our university. Forty personal computers are available for the users.
  • Acquisition & Technical Section : This is located in the first floor of the Library. The following activities are being carried out in this section.
  • Theses & Back-Volumes Section : This section is located in the first floor. Theses and dissertations pertaining to Ph.D., and M.Phil. programs of our university are available for reference. Also, back-volumes of journal and magazine issues are available in this section.
  • Bindery : Located in the first floor, this section has necessary resources (especially a Cutting Machine) for binding of books, and journals. This section also assists the administration in the preparation of reports, minutes, pamphlets, etc. The following works related to conservation and preservation of books are carried out in this section.



Digital Library

Reading Hall

Self Checkout KISOK


Stack Area